Tom Furey

Well, where do we start here...?

He’s the reason we are here reading this page now.

Tom was nothing short (no pun intended) of a true inspiration. Full of passion and knowledge and man who would always give so much to everyone and never expect anything back in return.

Tom was first inspired into the outdoors by his P.E. teacher, Mr Boyer. A man who, in his own words, was “An outdoor ninja”. A guy that would move elegantly and effortlessly on the rock. From here Tom pursed his career, falling in love with all things rock and mountain based. On his 18th birthday Tom completed his first qualification, his SPA (now Rock Climbing Instructor) with fellow friends with flying colours.

The obsession with the mountain world flourished as did Tom; he would often receive feedback from clients, groups and employers highlighting his energy and passion for the environments he worked in. Tom then pushed further and harder in the years of 2016- 2019 completing his International and Winter Mountain Leader awards within 2 weeks of each other then completing his Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor early 2019. By 2022 he was ready to take his Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor Assessment. Alongside all of this he was busy dreaming up and building a sustainable eco bunkhouse at the family farm to future proof his family’s life.

Living in the back of cars in the frozen winter so he could go ice climbing; organising climbing trips to the Dolomites, Sierra Nevada, Nepal, multiple trips to the Alps and numerous ski seasons - Tom encompassed every element of the mountain environment. Through his dedication and passion, he became a Course Director for Mountain Leader courses and would be one of the most regular faces of ML courses within North Wales.  

Let’s just put it this way - there wasn’t many people in the mountains and rock faces who didn’t know who he was. His drive and zest for life meant that Tom was everywhere at the same time. Always helping and inspiring there was simply nobody else like him.

So we’ve created this trust in his honour to ensure his legacy continues.