Furey Festival 2025
Furey Festival
Furey Festival 2025
October, 2025 - exact date TBC.
Location: Plas y Brenin, North Wales
Furey Festival 2025
FureyFestival – an event designed to enable to you learn more about the mountains, and the activities we enjoy in that environment. Whether you’re new to the outdoors, or a seasoned instructor looking for some CPD, this weekend is for you! We’d love to see you all at Plas Y Brenin the National Mountain Centre, Capel Curig, North Wales over the weekend.
What is Furey Festival 2025
We have sessions running throughout the weekend, and hopefully at least one or two may be of interest to you! We’ll have workshops covering all sorts of topics - basic navigation to some kit geekery; technical ropework to mountain first aid and incident management; Wildlife and geology to pre-assessment prep. As well as this, we’ll have some key mountaineering brands and organisations, so you’ll be sure to meet loads of cool people and learn lots of new skills, all whilst having a great time!
As well as all of this, we’re hoping to get an exciting guest speaker from the climbing and mountaineering world to join us, before we continue the evening with some great music and a chance to let our hair down on the Saturday evening.
On the Sunday, as well as more workshops, we’ll be holding a charity kit sale, so please do bring along any unwanted mountaineering kit you’d like to pass on to others, with all proceeds going directly to the Tom Furey Memorial Trust.
What courses are on offer, and how do I book?
All of the workshops have a minimum donation of £25 per half-day session (£50 for a full day workshop) – All of this money goes back into the Tom Furey Memorial Trust to continue the work we’re doing to enable those less fortunate to access this kind of education to enable them to join us in safely enjoying the mountains of the UK and beyond. Of course, this is a minimum donation, any additional donations are very much appreciated! You can donate at the link below, or we’ll be able to take additional donations on the day too.
We will be making one space available FREE OF CHARGE per workshop for applicants who are in financial hardship – if this is you, please email tomfureymt@yahoo.com outlining which workshop/s you’d like to book onto.
Accommodation and food
Accomodation on site can be booked directly with Plas y Brenin - info@pyb.co.uk
There are also a number of other bunkhouses, Hotels, B&Bs locally, as well as campsites, so hopefully all budgets are covered.
If you’re staying at Plas y Brenin, food may be included in your accommodation deal, but if not, don’t worry – there’ll be amazing meals available through the Bar on site anyway!
Yes! Some of the workshops will be child friendly (minimum age noted on the individual workshops), and failing that we intend to have some kind of childcare available so you can head off for a workshop and not have to worry!
Unfortunately, the venue is not dog-friendly – sorry!
Each workshop is individually ticketed to try to keep it as simple as possible, your ticket get’s you your workshop space!
Yes, different workshops will have different limits on how many spaces we have, this is so we can ensure we can deliver high quality workshops, so you get the best possible learning experience!
Of course! If you’d like to just hang around in the bar, have a good time in the evening or peruse the 2nd hand kit sale, just come along – no need to book!
We’ll send out worshop specific kit lists nearer the time, but essentially, Kit to keep you warm, dry and well-fed on the mountain all day, and any other specific kit you may have relevant to your chosen workshops (eg, rock climbing gear)
Don’t panic! We’re lucky enough to have secured access to Plas y Brenin’s extensive kit stores, so we can always borrow stuff.
Please drop us an email to tomfureymt@yahoo.com and we’ll work out the rest from there.
Anything you don’t want! As long as it’s in working order (and Clean!) we’ll take it! If we think we can sell it, we will. If our qualified mountaineering instructors think it’s no longer safe for use, we’ll dispose of it safely, and if we think we can’t sell it, but it’s still of use, we’ll try to pass it on to another charity who can put it to good use.
Watch this space….No details just yet, but we’re thinking about it – let’s get the first one out of the way first!
o Just head over to JustGiving! https://justgiving.com/tomfureymt
Please email tomfureymt@yahoo.com, and one of the team will get back to you and work out how best to use your skills.